The department of Aeronautical Engineering was established in the year 2005, offers 4 year B. E programme with an intake of 60. The Department cherishes the hope that its graduates will be the leaders of tomorrow. The goal of the B. E. program in Aeronautical Engineering is to train the students in a broad based manner with equal focus on applications in aircraft engineering, rocket and space technology. The curriculum is designed to impart engineering knowledge in topics such as structural mechanics, aerodynamics, propulsion, and space dynamics. Further provision exists to acquire additional engineering knowledge through electives. Besides, the students acquire sufficient knowledge in mathematics, physics and chemistry under the category of basic sciences and in humanities and engineering arts. The importance of computational-skill enhancement through the development of one’s own programs as well as the use of advanced software is stressed throughout.
The department is equipped with the best infrastructure and state of the art modern high tech laboratory facilities such as; Aircraft Propulsion Lab., Aerodynamics Lab. (Low Speed Wind Tunnel Facility), Aircraft Structures Lab., Aircraft Simulation Lab. and Design, Modelling and Analysis Lab. (equipped with licensed software viz ANSYS and Catia) catering to B.E. Aeronautical Engineering curriculum as well as to undertake Research activities. The laboratories and workshops, detailed in the curriculum, have been framed to take up the challenges in Industry and focus themselves on research and development.
Graduates in Aeronautical Engineering can seek employment in civil aviation, defence R&D laboratories, space research organizations, and CSIR laboratories. Aerospace graduates are also preferred by software industries engaged in engineering-software developments. In addition to these, graduates can enter general fields like management and civil services. Those having a flair for higher education and research can pursue M. Tech. and Ph.D. Tie-ups with the pioneering organisation like National Aerospace Laboratories (NAL), Indian Space Research Organizations (ISRO) etc., have served as eye-openers on the complexities of real life problems, both for the students and faculty members. A dedicated project work is taken up by every student for two semesters during final year. The project work is aimed at high quality standards used in current industry practices. Some Project works are also supported by leading MNCs and defence laboratories involved in state of art research and development.
To provide excellent graduate education in Aeronautical Engineering and continuously support the community of aerospace professionals that will spearhead and strengthen the design and development of aerospace related industries and institutions in India.